The NO EXCUSES Workout

A quick workout that I fired off to a client looking for something to do with limited space and equipment. Great for vacation, in-home, travel, time-crunched.

A “No Excuses” workout for anywhere, anytime
Intermediate Bodyweight Routine
Equipment: Mat
Complete 2 Rounds in under 30 minutes

  1. 20 Deep Squats – Butt below knee height with back vertical
  2. 20 Push Ups – Chin, Chest, Hips, Knees 2 inches from floor
  3. 20 Stationary Lunges each leg – 90 Degrees in both knees, forward knee always over shoelaces, not toes
  4. 20 Full Sit Ups – Hands pointing towards ceiling, knees bent at 90 degrees
  5. 20 Parachuter Lifts –
  6. 2:00 minutes Plank – Take your breaks, 2:00 minutes total time (no need to be consecutive)
  7. 2:00 minutes Cardio split 30s Intervals – Jumping Jacks & Mountain Climbers
  8. 2:00 minute Downward Dog Pose -